“A new user interface that improves navigation and promotes instant booking for telehealth services.”
Mar – Sep 2021 (6 months)
True Digital Group Co., Ltd.
Boonmee Lab
MorDee is a telehealth service by True Digital Group Co., Ltd. that aims to provide all-in-one healthcare services for Thai patients through a mobile application. Its key features include video call consultations, personal health data management, and an online pharmacy. These services proved especially valuable during the COVID-19 pandemic, when health services became more available and accessible to the general public through online channels.

In 2021, Boonmee Lab was tasked by the client to redesign the application to align better with their current plans. As the project lead, I worked closely with the client to enhance the user experience in three key areas: appointment booking, privilege discount application, and booking confirmation. The project involved user interviews, designing new user flows, creating high-fidelity user interfaces, and delivering the design handoffs for developers to implement the new design.
my role
UX/UI Designer
Conducted research and interviews with target users to gather and analyze usability feedback, informing the design of product interactions.

Designed user flows and interactions for the application, informed by user research and testing. Created high-fidelity prototypes adhering to Apple App Store and Google Play Store design guidelines.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many health services shifted to online platforms to maintain their operations and remain accessible to the general public. This resulted in competitive market of the telehealth industry, with an increasing numbers of companies promoting online doctor consultation services. Each application might have slightly different features, but their core values can remain similar. It was important for a design team to tailor the mobile application experiences that impress users, marketing the app in a way that highlights its unique value propositions and become a preferred choice when dealing with their health concerns. This involves understanding the target market, crafting compelling messaging, and using the intuitive interactions to drive conversions.
Business Strategy
The client aimed to leverage partnerships with insurance providers as a core component of their business strategy to attract users to their online consultation application. By integrating with insurance companies, the app can offer users the ability to easily access services covered under their health plans, reducing expenses and streamlining the payment process.
Moreover, these partnerships can enhance the app's credibility and trustworthiness, as users often feel more confident using health services that are endorsed by their insurance providers. This strategy not only helped in attracting new users but also in retaining them by consistently delivering value through their existing insurance benefits. Therefore, it was crucial for the design team to promote those benefits to be accessible and intuitively used in the application.
I started by examining the motivations and usage patterns of telemedicine app users, focusing on why and how they utilize these services. The research indicated that the primary appeal of teleconsultations lies in their convenience—users are drawn to the ability to quickly access professional medical advice whenever symptoms arise. The existing booking process was already quite user-friendly: users would launch the app, utilize search and filter functions to find preferred doctors, choose a suitable date and time, and then provide a brief description of their symptoms to secure an appointment.

Despite this efficiency, we identified opportunities for enhancement. By streamlining certain aspects of this process and introducing more intuitive navigation features, we could further reduce barriers and improve overall user experience, making it even more seamless and accessible.
Application in the previous version
The client was concerned that the previous version of their application was not only visually outdated but also lacked a clear visual hierarchy and a consistent design system, making it difficult for users to navigate and use effectively. These shortcomings did not align with the client’s current strategic direction, which emphasizes user-friendliness, insurance benefits and instant consultations. To tackle these issues, we organized a workshop with the client to dive deep into the existing problems.
Unpacking workshop with client
This unpacking session was crucial for us to grasp the client's perspective on the current design and to identify specific pain points. Through interactive discussions and hands-on activities, we explored the shortcomings of the old interface and gathered valuable insights on what the users found frustrating or lacking. We placed our design focus in the primary user flow, from app installation and registration to landing on the homepage for the first online doctor consultation. There were several perspectives we went through, for example, task objectives, data requirements, key barriers, and potential edge cases—presenting them in different colored sticky notes. This helped highlight the key scenarios we needed to improve the experiences.

Additionally we also reviewed competitive analyses that provided us with a clearer picture of where the market stands and what competitors are excelling in or lacking. This analysis was critical in determining the unique value proposition of our product.
Aligning insights to strategic design objectives
This comprehensive approach from the unpacking workshop has set a solid foundation for our next steps in the design process, ensuring that we move forward with a user-centered, data-informed strategy. By synthesizing all these elements, we were able to outline clear, strategic design objectives.
The application lacks a clear hierarchy of actions for users. The interface is too plain and doesn't offer sufficient visual cues to encourage user engagement and conversions.
The application lacks indicators for doctors currently available online. Appointments appear to be scheduled in advance, which may not meet users' immediate consultation needs.
There is a lack of information to inform users if they can use personal insurance or benefits to discount the appointment fee. This misalignment doesn't support the client's plans to partner with several insurance companies. These partnerships aim to promote convenient health benefits and attract users to the application.
Users often forget their appointment times and are unaware when their consultations are due to begin. The app should provide a dedicated space for users to receive notifications and maintain a record of their consultation history.
UX Design
After conducting a workshop with the client and interviewing users of various ages, we gained a better understanding of the actions users expect to see and how they make decisions when booking appointments with online doctors.
85% of users prefer an instant consultation with available online doctors rather than waiting for scheduled appointments.
60% of users reported starting their doctor search based on their current health concerns or symptoms, while the remaining 40% began by browsing health departments to find available doctors.
70% of users didn't have a specific doctor in mind before making appointments. They typically scanned doctors' biographies and made decisions based on the availability, number of cases treated, and price, in that order.
User flows
We aimed to streamline the booking consultation flow to meet users' needs for different doctor search conditions and offer immediate bookings with available doctors. By reducing unnecessary steps, users can quickly complete their appointment bookings.

For instance, we moved the sign-up and sign-in process to occur after users find their preferred doctor. This change allows users to land on the home page and explore the app's features without any initial barriers.
First iteration
Home page & Sign up
Instead of requiring users to complete the registration process when first opening the application, we proposed leading users directly to the homepage. This allows them to explore the app's features and available benefits immediately. Users can then complete the signup process later, when they're ready to confirm an online consultation.
Immediate booking
On the homepage, it's important to guide users to book online consultations in several scenarios. We assumed that most users would either search by their symptoms or browse through doctors available for immediate appointments.

This approach caters to users seeking quick medical advice based on their current health concerns. Additionally, I displayed profile images of doctors to build trust and credibility for new users.
Search by symptoms or departments
Users should be able to quickly filter available doctors by symptoms or department. Alternatively, users can search for specific doctors by name if they have a preferred physician in mind.
After finding the right doctor, users can book an online consultation by selecting an available time slot and preferred consultation channel. It's crucial for users to provide detailed information about their symptoms and their duration, enabling the doctor to use this information during the consultation. At the payment confirmation stage, users have the option to apply insurance benefits or discount coupons before finalizing their payment.
User testing
We built prototypes and conducted in-depth user testing with 20 online participants across various age ranges to gather feedback on the new user experiences. Overall, the feedback was positive. However, we identified some areas for improvement through observation.
Users found the available benefits from insurance partners too hidden. They were unable to check these benefits until reaching the payment page.
Users wanted to see more available doctors for instant booking. The design of carousels and horizontal scrolling in the instant consultation section were not intuitive enough for exploring the list of doctors.
After searching for doctors by symptoms or departments, users didn’t know if they there were available doctors for immediate booking. They expected a similar experience to the options presented on the home page.
After analyzing the feedbacks, we did multiple iterations of prototyping to refine and enhance the user experience. We continued this process until we were confident that we had achieved a final design that aligned with stakeholders' expectations.
Final Design
We significantly improved UI for home page and user flows in appointment booking, introducing new pop-up interaction to let users quickly check availability and continue their confirmation within a few steps. We proved that this design enhanced navigation and increased conversion rates.

The client also asked us to help rebrand the application from True Health to Mordee, removing the corporate name "True" to make it more appealing to the general public. We then introduced a new color scheme, transitioning from red tones to teal palettes to make it serve better to the healthcare industry.
Slide in Popup
When users tap on the list of doctors in home page, a popup overlay will appear. This helps users to quickly check doctor availability and supported insurance benefits they can apply for the consultation with the selected doctor.

The design markedly enhanced the visibility of insurance benefits, effectively showcasing brand advantages and privileges through this feature.
Immediate or Schedule
Users can switch tabs between immediate and scheduled booking modes.

In the "Available Now" tab, users can book instant consultations. The "Schedule" tab displays the soonest available appointments where users explore additional dates and time for their schedule.
Using tags to filter symptoms and departments
Users can quickly filter lists of doctors by popular symptoms using tags beneath the search box on the home page. We opted for a minimal tag component to reserve vertical space, allowing more room to display the list of doctors. These filters are then applied on the search results page.  The layout remains similar, with users able to switch between browsing doctors for immediate or scheduled bookings. Users can continue viewing a full profile and select their preferred appointment options.
Complete booking appointment
We enhanced the booking flow by making the UX writing more user-friendly, adopting a conversational tone instead of an action-oriented one. Users can now describe their health concerns and symptom duration to the doctor. On the payment page, they have the option to select or change their preferred privileges for the booking. Upon completing the payment, users receive a booking confirmation.
Consultation reminder
Ten minutes before the consultation, the system reminds users through both operating system and in-app notifications. These notifications appear at the top of the screen, ensuring users don't miss their appointment. When users enter the consultation room, they are directed to a virtual waiting area until the doctor joins. Once the doctor enters the call, users can join and begin their consultation via audio or video.